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How US is Hiding the Truth About Nigeria’s President Tinubu

The US is hiding Tinubu’s criminal and immigration records. Find out why they matter and how they could expose his lies and crimes.



How US is Hiding the Truth About Nigeria's President Tinubu

The US government is refusing to disclose the criminal and immigration records of Nigeria’s President Bola Tinubu, who has been accused of drug trafficking, money laundering, and identity fraud.

iexclusivenews reports that the records could reveal whether Tinubu is who he claims to be, or if he has a dark and shady past.

Why Tinubu’s Records Matter

The US State Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have invoked ‘unusual circumstances’ to deny a freedom of information request by a public disclosure activist, Aaron Greenspan, who runs the website PlainSite. Greenspan filed a request to several US agencies, including the Department of Treasury and the Drug Enforcement Administration, seeking urgent access to Tinubu’s records.

The US authorities said they would not be able to release the records until 2026, at the earliest. This has prompted Greenspan to sue them in a federal court in Washington, D.C., where Judge Beryl Howell will preside over the case.

Greenspan’s request was motivated by the ongoing legal challenge to Tinubu’s election as Nigeria’s president in February 2023. Tinubu’s opponents have alleged that he lied about his identity and education background, and that he was involved in criminal activities in the US during his decades-long stay there.

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The Mystery of Tinubu’s Identity and Education

Tinubu, 71, has denied any wrongdoing and claimed that he is the rightful owner of his name and identity. However, there are many inconsistencies and gaps in his official records that raise doubts about his claims.

For example, Tinubu swore under oath in 1999, when he ran for governor of Lagos State, that he attended the University of Chicago. But the university has denied that he ever enrolled there. Another American school, Chicago State University, confirmed that a Bola Tinubu attended the school in the 1970s, but did not specify if it was the same person as Nigeria’s president. Moreover, the school records showed that the Bola Tinubu who studied there was a female.

Tinubu also stated under oath in 1999 that he went to primary and secondary schools in Lagos and Ibadan in the 1950s and 1960s, but he deleted those statements from his latest application form for the presidential election. He did not explain why he changed his story, nor did he provide any evidence that the primary school he claimed to have attended ever existed.

The Evidence of Tinubu’s Criminal Activities

Tinubu was also named as a money launderer of drug proceeds in a US court document in 1993. He forfeited $460,000 at the time. The document was part of a case against a notorious drug lord, Akin Dawodu, who was sentenced to life imprisonment.

The US records could shed more light on Tinubu’s involvement in drug trafficking and other crimes that he may have committed or escaped from. They could also verify if Tinubu is using his real name and identity, or if he has assumed a false one to evade justice.

The Implications of the US Government’s Secrecy

The US government’s refusal to release the records raises questions about its motives and interests. Is it protecting Tinubu from public scrutiny and accountability? Is it colluding with him to advance its geopolitical agenda in Africa? Is it afraid of damaging its relations with Nigeria, a key ally and oil producer?

The Nigerian people deserve to know the truth about their president. They deserve to have a leader who is honest, trustworthy, and competent. They deserve to have a leader who is not hiding behind secrets and lies.

The Call for Transparency and Justice

The US government should respect the right of Nigerians to access information that affects their lives and democracy. It should release Tinubu’s records without further delay. It should stop hiding the truth about Nigeria’s president Tinubu.