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Ukraine News: Zelensky Demands Ceasefire As Talks Kick Off At Belarus Border



Ukraine News: Zelensky Demands Ceasefire As Talks Kick Off At Belarus Border

Ukraine News– President Zelensky Monday demanded an immediate Russian ceasefire and troop withdrawal ahead of talks at the Belarus border as the conflict entered the fifth day. 

Zelensky said he was skeptical about the outcome of the talks but said that they were worth a “try”.

The rouble plunged to an all-time low on Monday after Western nations announced fresh sanctions and Russian President Vladimir Putin put nuclear-armed forces on high alert.

Ukraine is due to talk with Russia at its border with Belarus on Monday from 3 pm GMT.

According to Ukraine News, President Volodymyr Zelensky said he was skeptical about the outcome of the talks, but that they were worth a “try”.

The UN General Assembly on Monday holds a rare emergency special session of the 193-member body on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Also on Monday, the UN Security Council holds a meeting on the humanitarian impact of the invasion.

At least 325 civilians, including 14 children, had been killed since the start of the invasion, according to Ukraine’s health ministry.

More than 368,000 Ukrainians have already fled the conflict, mostly to Poland and Moldova, according to the UN refugee agency.


