Black Market Dollar to Naira Exchange Rate Today July 13, 2023
Black Market Dollar to Naira Exchange Rate Today, Thursday July 13, 2023, Can Be Accessed Below
Please note that the exchange rate changes hourly. It depends on the volume of dollars available and the demand.
It means that you can buy or sell one dollar at N810, the price (high or low) can change within hours.
How much is Dollar to Naira exchange rate at the I&E window today?
The naira against the dollar today Thursday, July 13, 2023, exchanging N782.49 at the investors’ and exporters’ window.
How much is the exchange rate of the Dollar to the Naira on the black market today?
The Nigeria parallel market (black market dollar exchange rate today) for the Lagos market (Aboki Forex).
RELATED CONTENT: Black Market Dollar to Naira Exchange Rate Today July 10, 2023
Today’s parallel market rates in Lagos: on Thursday 13, 2023. The Dollar to the Naira exchange rate on the black market is N810 to $1.
The black market exchange rate for the Dollar to the Naira is $1 = N810
Naira to Dollar (NGN to USD) Black Market Exchange Rate Today
Buying Rate: 805
Selling Rate: 810
The local currency opened at N810.00 per $1 at the parallel market. Otherwise known as the black market, today, Thursday July 13, 2023, in Lagos, Nigeria.
US Dollar rate is ₦786.03 announced by Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) today, July 13, 2023. Dollar rate has been set as ₦747.12 by CBN when this week started on Monday, July 10, 2023. This corresponds to a 5.21% increase for USD in CBN this week.
To have a monthly quick review, we see that USD to Naira exchange rate was ₦746.89 on Monday, July 03, 2023 at the beginning of July.
With US Dollar rate set at ₦786.03 now, we see a 5.24% increase for USD to Naira exchange rates in CBN for this July.
Even though the naira to dollar exchange rate opened in the parallel market at N810 per $1 today.
iexclusivenews reports that the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) does not recognize the parallel market, otherwise known as the black market.
The apex bank has therefore directed anyone who requires forex to approach their bank.
Insisting that the I&E window is the only known exchange.
iexclusivenews reports that on the black market, the players buy a dollar for N805 and sell it for N810 on Thursday July 13, 2023.
However, iexclusivenews Nigeria reports that the USD started this week at N800 in the parallel market, also known as the black market, on Monday, July 10, 2023, in Lagos, Nigeria.
Disclaimer: iexclusivenews Nigeria does not determine or set currency exchange rates. The official NAFEX rates are obtained from the website of the FMDQOTC.
Parallel market rates (black market rates) are obtained from various sources, including online media outlets.