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Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate Today 26 October 2021 (Black Market Rate)



Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate Today
Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate Today 26 October 2021 (Black Market Rate)

Today’s dollar to naira exchange rate, as well as the black market rate, may be found below.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The exchange rate fluctuates hourly, depending on the amount of dollars available and the Demands. What this signifies is… At $575, you can buy or sell one dollar, and the price can swing dramatically (high or low) within hours.

Today’s official dollar to naira exchange rate in Nigeria, including Black Market, Bureau De Change (BDC), and Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) rates.

How Much Is Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate Today Official Rate?

October 26 dollar to naira official exchange rate: $1 dollar to naira =₦414.04

According to data provided on the FMDQ Security Exchange, where forex is officially exchanged, the naira began at 414.04 per dollar on Tuesday, October 26th, 2021, after closing at 415.07 for $1 on Monday, October 25th, 2021. This is a 0.00 percent change.

How much is exchange rate of Dollar to Naira in Black Market today?

The current Nigerian Naira parallel market (black market dollar exchange rate) is as follows: For the market in Lagos (black market). LAGOS PARALLEL MARKET RATES October 26, 2021 (BLACK MARKET): dollar to naira exchange rate today black market

October 26 dollar to naira black market exchange rate: $1 dollar to naira = ₦575

Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate Today 26 October 2021 (Black Market Rate)
Lagos parallel market (black market dollar exchange rate today)

The local currency began at N575.00 per $1 on the parallel market, also known as the black market, in Lagos, Nigeria, today, Tuesday, October 26th, 2021, after closing at N570.00 per $1 on Monday, October 25th, 2021.


Since Monday, October 11, the dollar to naira exchange rate has been stable at N570-575 per $1. This comes following a fight between the CBN and Aboki FX over the black market dollar-to-naira exchange rate.

Iexclusivenews claims that the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) does not recognize the parallel market, also known as the black market, despite the fact that the dollar to naira opened in the parallel market at 575 for $1 today.

As a result, anyone in need of currency should contact their bank, with the I&E window being the sole known exchange, according to the apex bank.

According to Iexclusivenew Nigeria, gamers on the black market bought a dollar for N568 and sold it for N575 on Tuesday morning, October 26, 2021, after buying N568 and selling N570 on Monday, October 25, 2021.

Meanwhile, Iexclusivenew Nigeria says that the USD began trading this week at 570 in Lagos Nigeria’s Parallel Market, popularly known as the Black Market, on Monday, October 25, 2021, after opening at N572 last week on Monday, October 18, 2021.