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Favour Benson Speaks On The Theme Of IWD2023: #EmbraceEquity



Favour Benson Speaks On The Theme Of IWD2023: #EmbraceEquity

International Women’s Day (IWD), observed on March 8, is a global celebration of women’s social, economic, cultural, and political accomplishments.

It also serves as a rallying cry for greater gender equality.

#EmbraceEquity is the theme of IWD 2023, emphasizing the importance of gender equity in all aspects of society.

The day is significant because it allows us to reflect on how far we have come as women in society while also recognizing how much more work remains to be done to achieve true gender equality. It also enables us to recognize and appreciate the contributions of women in various fields and sectors, as well as to inspire and empower one another.

Women are not yet economically equal to men on the African continent, for example, but when given the opportunity to participate in economic activity, they have a significant impact on their families and communities.

Speaking on the theme for 2023’s International Women’s Day, Favour Benson, Executive Director of Jashabel Touchaheart Foundation (JTAH Foundation), a human rights activist for women and girls in Nigeria, said that equity is an essential factor that Nigerian society lacks.

She stated;

“Many women are delighted to witness today, March 8, International Women’s Day, to celebrate our women, despite the challenges faced in every part of the world.

The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day, #EmbraceEquity, is crucial because equal opportunities for men and women are difficult to achieve in Nigeria.
Regardless of how difficult things get, many women have never given up or shied away from their responsibilities, yet women are left out of so many things.

We need to remind ourselves as women of our importance, of the importance of equal opportunities, that we are not alone, and that we must stand firm on equity.

Today, we urge the government to include more women in national affairs; women must be given a chance!
Any opportunity we get to be enlightened or to educate ourselves please let us grasp it. Mrs. Benson stated this in an interview with Solin and Touchaheart reporters. “Growth is important, get better at what you do, and most importantly, don’t neglect yourself, intentionally take care of yourself,” she said.

We can all challenge gender stereotypes, speak out against discrimination, call out bias, and seek inclusion. It is critical to distinguish between equity and equality.

Equity is a must-have, not a nice-to-have.

The theme for this year, #EmbraceEquity, is very timely. We believe that embracing equity can add value to our society.

Let us all #EmbraceEquity on International Women’s Day and beyond.

