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Ghana Election 2020: Presidential race tight as NPP & NDC lose seats



Ghana Election
Ghana Election 2020: Presidential race tight as NPP & NDC lose seats


iexclusive News Nigeria reports that the race between incumbent President Nana Akufo-Addo’s NPP and former president John Mahama’s NDC party are both claiming wins as early results start trickling in.



Both parties have lost parliamentary seats on each side.


John Mahama’s NDC


Five hours after voting, Mahama tweeted a thank you message to Ghanaians for change.


He has been telling confidants that he expects a resounding win once official results are announced.


Last night, the NDC in its previsionary vote had claimed 36 flipped parliamentary seats, including some wins in the capital.


The implication being result that these are highly populated areas and if those results are confirmed, it would undoubtedly help the presidential totals.


The NDC would need to win at least 32 more seats and hold its 106 that it currently controls to win a majority in parliament.


Nana Akufo-Addo’s NPP: 


The NPP claims to now control 3 out 5 regions in the north, including the savannah region where the Mahama comes from.


Although some parliamentary seats have flipped, according to John Boadu, the NPP Secretary General, despite having lost some seats, the NPP has won, holding a 63 seat majority over the NDC.


Akufo-Addo posted several messages throughout voting day, urging Ghanaians to get out and vote.


Electoral Commission of Ghana:

Results are expected to be released officially later today by the Electoral Commission, making it one of the fastest turnover elections in Africa and the world.


In a tweet just posted the Commission confirmed that vote-tallying is proceeding “smoothly”, but results only “collated presidential election results” are being received from 16 regions rather than 275 constituencies as has been done in the past.


It urged the public to remain calm until results are ready to be published.


