
3D Generative AI: Revolutionizing 3D Modeling

3D Generative AI: Revolutionizing 3D Modeling

3D Generative AI is a technology that uses artificial intelligence to create 3D models. It is a relatively new field…

1 year ago

Polygon Emerges As A Major Player In Gaming Blockchain Following March User Surge

Gaming Blockchain - The gaming assiduity has come a long way from the days of Pong and Pac- Man. moment, gamers have access to a vast array of games, gauging multiple stripes and platforms. One of the most instigative developments in recent times has been the rise…

1 year ago

Google’s WebGPU: The Future of Browser Gaming and Machine Learning

Google has recently announced the rollout of its WebGPU technology for next-gen gaming and machine learning in your browser. This…

1 year ago

NFT News: NFT and Web3 Gaming Consoles To Launch In 2024

NFT News - The console's developers claim that a prototype will be available in "a few months" and that it…

2 years ago

Nifty News: Prada Launches New Fashion NFT, P2E Games Witness Growth In India

Following its initial foray into the nonfungible token (NFT) space with the Adidas for Prada re-source project in partnership with…

2 years ago