Drama unfolds in the banking hall of a Zenith Bank branch as a ‘big woman’ goes insane in her effort to address a problem. The...
Like a whirlwind, speculations surrounding the ownership of Titan Trust Bank continue to stir up dust in every imaginable quarter. Established in December 2018, the bank...
Zenith Bank, Ex-NIMASA DG In Alleged N8.5 Billion Fraud – EFCC Alleged N8.5bn Fraud: EFCC Presents Seventh Witness Against Ex-NIMASA D-G, Akpobolokemi, Others.. The trial of...
NCC identifies the future horizons for industry growth in Telecoms@20 Iexclusivenews Nigeria reports that the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has underlined major steps being implemented to...
Q1 2021 Unaudited Results: Zenith Bank Grows Profit Before Tax By 4% Iexclusivenews Nigeria reports that Zenith Bank’s Q1 2021 unaudited financial results show increase...
Zenith Bank Delights Shareholders With Dividend Payout Of N3 Per Share Zenith Bank’s shareholders, on Tuesday at the 30th Annual General Meeting of the Bank held...
Zenith Bank becomes Nigeria’s biggest bank by asset Jim Ovia-led Zenith Bank Plc saw a 34 per cent surge in its asset base in 2020,...
Zenith Bank emerges Nigeria’s Most Valuable Banking Brand Zenith Bank Plc has again emerged as the Most Valuable Banking Brand in Nigeria in the Banker...
Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) have revealed that commercial banks in Nigeria increased loans to customers in the first half-year ended June...