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Tinubu You Can’t Stop August Protest – Primate Ayodele

Primate Ayodele Speaks Out, A Nation on the Brink of Protest



Tinubu You Can't Stop August Protest - Primate Ayodele

LAGOS, (iexclusivenews) – In a startling turn of events, Primate Elijah Ayodele, the renowned Leader of INRI Evangelical Spiritual Church, has issued a stern warning to President Bola Tinubu regarding the impending August 1 protest.

This development sheds light on the growing tensions within Nigeria and the complex relationship between the government and its citizens.

The Root of Protest

Primate Ayodele’s statement, delivered through his Media Aide Oluwatosin Osho, paints a grim picture of the current state of affairs in Nigeria.

The clergyman asserts that Nigerians have grown increasingly bitter, harboring resentment towards the present administration due to widespread economic hardship.

This revelation underscores the depth of public dissatisfaction and the urgent need for governmental action.

READ MORE: Military Issues Stern Warning to Protesters: Anarchy Not Tolerated

Military Issues Stern Warning to Protesters: Anarchy Not Tolerated

A Call for Decisive Action

While acknowledging the inevitability of the protest, Primate Ayodele offers a path forward for the government. He suggests concrete steps to alleviate the situation:

  • Reducing prices of essential commodities

  • Addressing fuel and electricity costs

  • Tackling insecurity

  • Implementing price regulations

These recommendations highlight the multifaceted nature of the crisis and the need for a comprehensive approach to governance.

In a surprising twist, Primate Ayodele points out that the current economic difficulties are affecting both the poor and the wealthy.

This observation challenges common assumptions about economic crises and emphasizes the far-reaching impact of the current situation on Nigerian society as a whole.

Primate Ayodele criticizes the current administration’s approach, describing it as “assumption-based” rather than realistic.

This stark assessment suggests a fundamental disconnect between the government’s policies and the lived experiences of Nigerian citizens, potentially exacerbating the current tensions.

The Looming Threat: More Than an Ordinary Protest

The clergyman warns that the upcoming demonstration could be “more than an ordinary protest,” hinting at deeper underlying issues.

He describes it as a “protest of hunger, pains and reward,” indicating that the event may serve as a catalyst for expressing a wide range of grievances beyond immediate economic concerns.

Primate Ayodele concludes his statement by emphasizing the need for improved welfare for Nigerians.

He dismisses the recent minimum wage increase as insufficient, calling instead for “better achievement that the people will be grateful for.”

This challenge to the government underscores the importance of tangible, impactful policies in addressing public discontent.

A Critical Moment for Nigeria

As August 1 approaches, Nigeria finds itself at a crossroads.

The warnings of Primate Ayodele serve as a powerful reminder of the challenges facing the nation and the urgent need for dialogue and action.

How the government responds to this crisis may well determine the course of Nigeria’s future and its ability to address the needs of its citizens.

