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Tony Elumelu: We Need To Hold Our Leaders More Accountable



Tony Elumelu: We Need To Hold Our Leaders More Accountable

Tony Elumelu, a businessman who owns Heirs Holdings and Transcorp, as well as the founder of The Tony Elumelu Foundation, has expressed his dissatisfaction with the challenges that Nigerians confront on a daily basis.

Tony Onyemaechi Elumelu one of the 100 most influential people in the world, took to his tweeter account to lament about the bad governance, insecurity, and issues facing Nigerians every day.

He stated:

This morning, I am listening to my colleagues at the office bemoan the very pressing issues that they face every day in this country, and how things have been getting worse and worse – no electricity for 5 days, hikes in the price of diesel, frightening food inflation, etc.

How can a country so rich in natural resources have 90% of its citizens living in hardship and poverty? I have often said that access to electricity is critical for our development, alleviation of poverty and hardship. And speaking of security, our people are afraid!

Businesses are suffering. How can we be losing over 95% of oil production to thieves?

Look at the Bonny Terminal that should be receiving over 200k barrels of crude oil daily, instead, it receives less than 3,000 barrels, leading the operator @Shell to declare force majeure.

Why are we paying taxes if our security agencies can’t stop this? The reason Nigeria is unable to meet its OPEC production quota is not because of low investment but because of theft, pure and simple!

Meanwhile, oil-producing countries are smiling as their foreign reserves rise. What is Nigeria’s problem? We need to hold our leaders more accountable!

Elections are coming – security and resources need to be everyone’s agenda – let’s be vocal about our nation’s priority.

Evil prevails when good people are silent. We need to be vocal about 2023. Let’s focus on Nigeria. Demand and advocate for leaders that deliver.

In 2023, Nigeria must be on a strong trajectory for progress and development.

What People Are Saying

Good day Sir @TonyOElumelu,

The problem isn’t about us being vocal sir.

We have been vocal a few times and the results were terrible. I believe you were aware of what happened to the youths in 2020!

Also, sir, do you think our votes count?

Raphael Onuku @raphaelboffin,

To the best of my knowledge, they have already decided on who the next president, governor, and/or senator etc would be in our country. How then do our votes, voices, and choices count? How sir? How can out voices be heard when they are eager to shoot at us?

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