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Palestinians Protest Illegal Outpost With Flaming Star Of David



Palestinians Protest Illegal Outpost With Flaming Star Of David
Palestinians Protest Illegal Outpost With Flaming Star Of David 


On Saturday evening, Palestinians protesting against an illegal Israeli outpost in the West Bank set fire to a Star of David with a swastika.


iexclusive News Nigeria reports that the images on Palestinian social media showed a temporary structure and dozens of torches being readied for nocturnal protests near Beita, West Bank. 


The structure was later seen on video to be on fire.


Despite inhabitants abandoning the hilltop, protests against the outpost known as Evyatar, established on a mountaintop overlooking Beita, have continued.


Last month, Israeli authorities reached an agreement with the settlers.


The makeshift buildings they erected will remain in place in exchange for their departure, and the IDF will turn the area into a provisional base.


The Defense Ministry will study the area over the next few months to evaluate its status and determine whether it can be lawfully changed into an official colony.


At least seven Palestinians have been murdered by Israeli forces in recent months during deadly skirmishes near the settlement.


In an attempt to irritate the hilltop’s residents, Palestinian “night confusion units” would light lasers, yell slogans, burn tires, and set off homemade explosive devices after dark.


The plan was modeled after one used by Gaza-based terror groups along the Israeli border barrier.


The marches on Saturday commemorated the 100th day of anti-outpost protests.


In addition to the swastika and Star of David, footage from Saturday’s event purportedly showed Palestinians detonating a big explosive device in the vicinity.


The Israel Defense Forces have yet to issue a remark on Saturday’s protests.


Hundreds of settlers flocked to Jabal Sbeih in May to form the Evyatar outpost, which is hosting regular events in an attempt to persuade the state to approve the land grab.


The plot, according to Palestinians, is privately held by Beita inhabitants. Whether or not this is the case has yet to be determined by Israeli officials.


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