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Afghan Update: ‘This Is Not Saigon’ – Blinken



Afghan Update: 'This Is Not Saigon' - Blinken

Afghan Update: ‘This is not Saigon’ – Blinken


According to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, the US would relocate its diplomatic premises to Kabul International Airport.


iexclusive News Nigeria reports that he stated to ABC News: “That’s why we had forces on hand: to make sure we could do it safely and efficiently. People are leaving the facility and heading for the airport.”


He went on to say that the embassy has a list of persons who need to be moved out of harm’s way and that they are stepping up their efforts to do so.


He also dismissed any parallels between the current situation and the fall of Saigon in Vietnam in 1975, insisting that the Afghan operation was “successful.”

“This isn’t Saigon,” he stated emphatically.

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