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10 SEO Techniques To Grow Organic Traffic in 2023

Discover the top 10 SEO techniques for growing organic traffic in 2023. Fix issues, target keywords, create clusters, optimize for voice search & YouTube..



10 SEO Techniques To Grow Organic Traffic in 2023

In the world of online businesses, SEO (search engine optimization) plays a crucial role in driving organic traffic. Organic traffic refers to the visitors who find your website through search engine results without any paid advertisements.

It is a cost-effective, credible, and sustainable way to attract relevant users to your site. In this article, we will explore ten effective SEO techniques to help you grow your organic traffic in 2023.

Technique 1: Fix SEO Issues on Your Website

To maximize your organic performance, it is important to address SEO issues on your website. These issues can negatively impact your rankings and visibility.

Common SEO issues include crawlability, indexability, page experience, title tags, and broken pages. To identify and fix these issues, you can use tools like Google Search Console and Ahrefs’ Site Audit. Conducting an SEO audit helps uncover potential problems and optimize your website for better organic results.

Technique 2: Consolidate Pages with the Same Keyword and Intent

Keyword cannibalization is when multiple pages on your website compete for the same keyword and intent. This can hurt your rankings.

To resolve this issue, it’s important to identify pages that are cannibalizing each other based on age, rank, intent, and uniqueness.

Ahrefs‘ Site Explorer is a valuable tool for finding cannibalization issues. By consolidating these pages and focusing on the one with better-performing content, you can improve your organic traffic and visibility.


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Technique 3: Target Long-tail Keywords with High Search Intent

Long-tail keywords are specific and longer search queries that have higher search intent. They offer several benefits, including lower competition, higher conversion rates, and better user understanding.

Tools like Ubersuggest provide valuable insights into long-tail keywords related to your topics. By targeting these keywords with high search volume and low competition or cost-per-click (CPC), you can attract more relevant organic traffic to your website.

Technique 4: Focus on Topic Clusters and Not on Keywords

Rather than solely focusing on individual keywords, it is beneficial to create topic clusters around your core topics and subtopics. Topic clusters involve creating pillar content that covers a broad topic comprehensively, accompanied by cluster content that dives deeper into specific subtopics.

Tools like HubSpot’s topic cluster tool can assist in organizing and optimizing your content. By implementing topic clusters, you improve content organization, enhance user navigation, and build authority in your niche.

Technique 5: Write Long-form Content that Provides Value

Long-form content refers to comprehensive and in-depth articles that provide value to readers. It offers numerous benefits, including increased user engagement, social sharing, backlinks, and the potential to appear as featured snippets.

Tools like Jarvis‘ content writing tool can assist in generating high-quality long-form content. When creating long-form content, remember to focus on originality, relevance, and informative insights.

Proper outlining, thorough research, effective formatting, and meticulous editing are crucial for creating valuable long-form content.

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Technique 6: Optimize Your Content for Voice Search

With the rising popularity of voice assistants, voice search is becoming increasingly important. Voice search queries are often conversational, natural, and question-based.

To optimize your content for voice search, tools like AnswerThePublic’s voice search optimization tool can help you identify voice search queries related to your keywords.

Incorporating these queries naturally within your content can improve its relevance and visibility in voice search results.

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Technique 7: Take Advantage of YouTube SEO

YouTube, as the second-largestsearch engine, offers a tremendous opportunity to drive organic traffic to your website.

YouTube SEO involves optimizing your videos for better visibility and rankings on the platform. Factors such as the title, description, tags, thumbnail, watch time, and engagement impact your YouTube rankings.

To optimize your videos effectively, you can utilize tools like TubeBuddy’s YouTube SEO tool. This tool provides valuable insights and recommendations to improve your video’s SEO performance. By implementing YouTube SEO strategies, you can attract organic traffic from the platform and increase your website’s visibility.

Technique 8: Create a Diverse Backlink Profile

Backlinks play a crucial role in building your website’s authority and improving organic rankings. It is essential to create a diverse backlink profile that includes different types of links, such as dofollow, nofollow, editorial, guest post, and forum links. Tools like Ahrefs’ Backlink Checker can help you discover backlink opportunities for your website.

When building backlinks, focus on quality, relevance, variety, and naturalness. A diverse backlink profile not only improves your organic authority but also enhances your website’s credibility and visibility in search engine results.

Technique 9: Look Upon the Technical SEO

Technical SEO involves optimizing various technical aspects of your website that can impact your organic performance. Factors such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, HTTPS, XML sitemap, robots.txt, and more are essential for search engine crawlers and user experience.

Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights can measure and provide recommendations to improve your site speed. To enhance your technical SEO, consider compressing images, minifying code, using content delivery networks (CDNs), and implementing other best practices. By optimizing your technical SEO, you create a solid foundation for better organic visibility and user satisfaction.

Technique 10: Optimize for Featured Snippets

Featured snippets are highlighted snippets of content that appear at the top of search engine results, providing quick answers to user queries. Optimizing your content for featured snippets can significantly boost your organic visibility. Different types of featured snippets include paragraphs, lists, tables, and videos.

Tools like Rank Ranger’s featured snippet optimization tool can help you identify opportunities and optimize your content for featured snippets.

Strategies like answering questions directly, using headings, and formatting lists can increase your chances of being featured. By targeting featured snippets, you can attract more organic traffic and establish your website as a credible source of information.


Implementing effective SEO techniques is crucial for growing organic traffic to your website in 2023. By addressing SEO issues, targeting long-tail keywords, creating topic clusters, writing valuable long-form content, optimizing for voice search and YouTube, building a diverse backlink profile, focusing on technical SEO, and optimizing for featured snippets, you can enhance your website’s visibility, credibility, and organic rankings.

Remember to continuously monitor and adapt your SEO strategies to stay ahead in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Take action today and apply these techniques to drive significant organic traffic to your online business.

FAQs to 10 SEO Techniques To Grow Organic Traffic

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions related to the topic of “10 SEO Techniques To Grow Organic Traffic”:

Q: What are SEO techniques?

A: SEO techniques are methods or strategies that help websites rank higher on search engines and drive more organic traffic.

Q: How can I improve my SEO ranking in 2023?

A: You can improve your SEO ranking in 2023 by following the 10 SEO techniques mentioned in this article, such as fixing SEO issues, targeting long-tail keywords, creating topic clusters, and optimizing for voice search.

Q: What is organic traffic in SEO?

A: Organic traffic in SEO refers to the traffic that comes from search engines without paying for ads or sponsored listings.

Q: How do I increase organic traffic on Google?

A: You can increase organic traffic on Google by optimizing your website for user experience, voice search, YouTube SEO, backlinks, technical SEO, and featured snippets.

LSI and NLP Keywords 

LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords and NLP (Natural Language Processing) keywords are relevant in improving the relevance, readability, and search engine optimization of content. Here are some LSI and NLP keywords related to “10 SEO Techniques To Grow Organic Traffic”:

LSI Keywords:

– 10 SEO strategies to boost organic traffic

– 10 SEO tips to increase organic traffic

– 10 SEO best practices to grow organic traffic

– 10 SEO methods to improve organic traffic

– 10 SEO tactics to enhance organic traffic

NLP Keywords:

– Google

– Search engine

– Website

– Keyword

– Content

– Backlink

– Ranking

– Traffic

Incorporating these keywords naturally throughout the content can further enhance its relevance and visibility in search engine results.

Have questions, feedback, or suggestions? Share them in the comments below!

