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Africans are a “Special Case” on Same-sex Blessings -Pope



Africans are a "Special Case" on Same-sex Blessings -Pope

iexclusivenews – Pope Francis has revealed that African Catholics are not obliged to follow the Vatican’s recent document that allows priests to bless same-sex unions, citing their cultural aversion to homosexuality.

Cultural Differences

In an interview with the Italian newspaper La Stampa, published on Monday, Pope Francis said that Africans are a “special case” when it comes to the issue of same-sex blessings.

“Those who protest vehemently belong to small ideological groups. A special case are (sic) Africans: for them, homosexuality is something ‘bad’ from a cultural point of view, they don’t tolerate it,” Pope Francis said.

He added that he respects the diversity of cultures and does not want to impose a uniform approach to the matter.


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Fiducia Supplicans

The pope also expressed his hope that everyone would understand the spirit of the document “Fiducia supplicans“, which was issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in March.

The document states that the Church cannot bless same-sex unions, as they are not part of God’s plan for marriage.

However, it also affirms that the Church welcomes and respects people with homosexual inclinations, and invites them to entrust themselves to God’s mercy.

“It aims to include, not divide. He invites us to welcome and then entrust people and ourselves to God,” Pope Francis said.

Schism Fears

The pope’s comments come amid criticism and resistance from some conservative Catholics, who see the document as a betrayal of the Church’s teaching on marriage and sexuality.

Some have even threatened to break away from the Church, or to form a parallel hierarchy.

Pope Francis said he is not afraid of a possible schism, as it has always been a reality in the history of the Church.

“No. Always, in the church, there have been small groups that expressed schismatic reflectionsā€¦ we must let them do their thing and passā€¦ and look forward,” Pope Francis said.

Opening up the Church

The pope also reiterated his desire to open up the Church to the LGBTQ community, as he did in December, when he said that priests can bless same-sex relationships.

He said that he was inspired by the example of Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, who announced the new declaration after it was endorsed by the pope.

The declaration allows same-sex couples to receive a blessing from the Church, as a sign of God’s love and care for them.

However, it also clarifies that this does not change the Church’s traditional doctrine on marriage, which is between a man and a woman.

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