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Gunmen Kill Policemen, Civilians in a POS Operators Attack



Gunmen Kill Policemen, Civilians in a POS Operators Attack

OWERRI, (iexclusivenews) – January 29, 2024 – A wave of violence swept across Imo State today, leaving four people dead and multiple Point of Sale (POS) operators dispossessed of their hard-earned cash.

The attacks, shrouded in a chilling haze of motive, have sent shockwaves through the region, raising urgent questions about safety and security.

The horror unfolded at Ohii Junction, a bustling crossroads on the Owerri-Orlu Road. Eyewitness accounts paint a grim picture: gunmen, brazen and ruthless, unleashed a torrent of gunfire, cutting down two police officers stationed for duty and two innocent civilians caught in the crossfire.

A grainy video circulating online captures the aftermath – the chilling stillness surrounding the lifeless bodies, a stark testament to the tragedy that unfolded.


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Wave of Robberies Grips Owerri, Leaving POS Operators Vulnerable

The carnage, however, did not stop at Ohii Junction. Reports trickled in from across Owerri, detailing similar attacks on POS operators.

Around 9 am, near Rapour junction, armed men in a Corolla car descended upon unsuspecting shops, snatching cash and valuables from both operators and passersby.

The robbery spree continued, casting a dark shadow over Amawire-Orji on the Owerri-Okigwe Road and even reaching Christiana junction at Egbu Road, where POS operators were once again targeted.

Motive Unclear, Community Reels in Aftermath of Tragic Day

The motive behind these brazen attacks remains shrouded in mystery. Were they opportunistic crimes fueled by desperation, or calculated strikes meant to sow fear and chaos?

Regardless of the reason, the impact is undeniable – a community left reeling, grappling with loss and an overwhelming sense of vulnerability.

The silence from the police adds to the unease. When contacted, spokesperson Henry Okoye acknowledged he was unaware of the incidents, promising to investigate.

Yet, as of this writing, no official statement has been issued, leaving residents yearning for answers and assurances of safety.

The day’s events hold a grim mirror to the security challenges plaguing not just Imo State, but parts of Nigeria as a whole.

The brazen disregard for human life, the targeting of essential service providers like POS operators, and the chilling efficiency with which these attacks were carried out – all point to a worrying trend that demands immediate attention.

A Call to Action: Breaking the Cycle of Violence and Building a Safer Imo

As investigations unfold and authorities grapple for answers, one thing remains clear: the wounds inflicted today run deep. For the families of the victims, the path ahead will be paved with grief and an unyielding quest for justice.

For the wider community, the task lies in confronting fear, demanding swift action from those entrusted with their safety, and rebuilding a sense of security shattered by senseless violence.

This is not just a story of tragedy; it is a call to action. A call for transparency, for accountability, and for unwavering commitment to ensuring that such senseless acts of violence never find fertile ground again.

The lives lost today deserve more than silence. They deserve justice, and they deserve a future where peace prevails over fear.


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