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Sabinus Speaks After Surviving Car Accident, “I’m Alive And Safe”

“Who dies are those with bad hands those whose hands are not clean. We thank God.”



Sabinus Speaks After Surviving Car Accident, "I'm Alive And Safe"

Oga Sabinus, a popular Nigerian skitmaker, real name, Emmanuel Chukwuemeka Ejekwu, has survived a car accident on Sunday morning.

iexclusivenews gathered that he was driving in Lagos when a drunk driver ram into his car.

According to pictures taken at the seen, his car is seen to be damaged at the bonnet at which it was hit.

Sabinus Speaks After Surviving Car Accident, “I’m Alive And Safe”

Oga Sabinus took to his Instagram Live some minutes after the incident to assure his fans that he is safe and well.

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Sabinus said, “For the people calling, I am receiving messages, I am okay. Don’t be afraid. The only thing I keep saying is people should avoid drinking before driving. It is the first time I will be seeing a car driving in one lane, and another car in another lane drive into the other lane and scatter the motor.

“We thank God. We thank God for life first. So Sabinues, I am safe, nothing happened to me. I am okay. Don’t be afraid.

“Who dies are those with bad hands those whose hands are not clean. We thank God.”