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Ibadan Erupt In Protest Over High Cost Of Living



Ibadan Erupt In Protest Over High Cost Of Living

IBADAN, iexclusivenews – The streets of Ibadan, Nigeria, pulsate with discontent today Monday as residents erupt in a peaceful protest against the crippling rise in food prices and the worsening economic climate.

Under the watchful eyes of armed security personnel, the city’s heart, Mokola Roundabout, throbs with the rhythm of chants and the silent language of placards emblazoned with messages like “End Food Hike and Inflation!” and “We are Starving!”

This burgeoning public outcry reflects the mounting pressure on ordinary Nigerians, struggling to make ends meet amidst skyrocketing food costs and a broader economic downturn.

From market vendors to daily wage earners, the pain cuts deep, fueling the collective demand for action.

Beyond Empty Promises, Accountability Sought from Leaders:

Ibadan Erupt In Protest Over High Cost Of Living

Ibadan Erupt In Protest Over High Cost Of Living

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The protest transcends mere economic concerns, carrying a deeper message for the nation’s leadership.

Placards bearing the inscription “Tinubu, Don’t Forget Your Promises” serve as a potent reminder of the unfulfilled expectations placed on the current administration.

The protestors seek not just relief from immediate hardship, but also a commitment to long-term solutions that address the root causes of their struggles.

A Call for Dialogue and Change:

This peaceful demonstration represents a powerful call for dialogue and change.

As the economic storm continues to rage, the residents of Ibadan raise their voices, demanding not just to be heard, but to be seen – their hardships acknowledged, and their concerns addressed.

Whether their message resonates with the powers that be remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the simmering frustration in Ibadan is a stark reminder of the human cost of economic disparity and unfulfilled promises.


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