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Kenya Protest: President Bows to Pressure Withdraws Finance Bill



Kenya Protest: President Bows to Pressure Withdraws Finance Bill

(iexclusivenews) -In a stunning reversal, Kenyan President William Ruto has announced the withdrawal of the controversial Finance Bill 2024, following days of intense protests that shook the nation to its core.

This decision marks a significant turning point in Kenya’s recent political landscape and offers a moment of reflection on the power of public dissent.

The Controversial Finance Bill: A Brief Overview

The Finance Bill 2024 was initially proposed as a measure to address Kenya’s mounting public debt.

However, its provisions sparked widespread outrage among citizens. Key controversial aspects included:

  • A proposed 16% value-added tax on bread

  • New taxes on motor vehicles

  • Increased levies on vegetable oil and mobile money transfers

Despite the government’s attempts to soften some of these measures, the concessions failed to quell the growing dissatisfaction among Kenyans.

Protests Turn Deadly: A Nation in Turmoil

The peaceful protests that began last week took a dark turn on Tuesday, June 27, 2024. Security forces employed tear gas and live ammunition against demonstrators, resulting in tragic consequences:

  • At least 23 deaths reported by the Police Reforms Working Group (PRWG)

  • Government buildings set ablaze in Nairobi

  • Parliament’s ceremonial mace stolen during the chaos

Allegations of Excessive Force:

Kenya in Chaos: Parliament Stormed, President Vows Crackdown

Kenya in Chaos: Parliament Stormed, President Vows Crackdown

The PRWG, supported by Amnesty International Kenya, alleged that police targeted young, unarmed protesters outside the parliament.

Reports emerged of continued violence into the night, with one individual reportedly shot over 40 times in Githurai, Nairobi.

READ MORE: Kenya Erupts: 13 Dead as Anti-Tax Protests Turn Violent

Kenya in Chaos: Parliament Stormed, President Vows Crackdown

President Ruto’s Dramatic U-Turn From Defiance to Concession

In a televised address on Wednesday, June 28, 2024, President Ruto surprised many by announcing his decision not to sign the Finance Bill 2024.

His statement included:

  • Acknowledgment of the public’s strong opposition to the bill

  • Recognition of the loss of life and property destruction

  • A call for national reflection and moving forward

Contrasting Earlier Stance:

This conciliatory tone contrasted sharply with Ruto’s previous hardline position.

Just a day earlier, he had described the protests as a grave threat to national security, accusing “dangerous people” of hijacking the conversation around the bill.

Reactions and Implications

The announcement has been met with a mix of relief and frustration:

  • Many Kenyans welcomed the decision to withdraw the bill

  • Some critics argued that earlier action could have prevented the loss of life

Political Analysis:

Kenyan analyst Herman Manyora commented on the timing of the decision, stating that withdrawing the bill earlier could have averted Tuesday’s tragedy.

This sentiment echoes a broader feeling among the populace about the government’s handling of the situation.

Looking Ahead: Challenges and Opportunities

With the Finance Bill withdrawn, the Kenyan government now faces the challenge of finding alternative solutions to address the country’s economic issues, including:

  • Managing public debt

  • Stimulating economic growth

  • Addressing the rising cost of living

Rebuilding Trust:

President Ruto has expressed a desire to engage with the youth who were at the forefront of the protests. This presents an opportunity for:

  • Healing national divisions

  • Incorporating diverse perspectives in policy-making

  • Restoring faith in democratic processes

Conclusion: A Watershed Moment for Kenyan Democracy

The withdrawal of the Finance Bill 2024 represents more than just a policy reversal; it’s a powerful reminder of the impact of collective action and the responsibilities of leadership in a democracy.

As Kenya moves forward from this tumultuous period, the eyes of the nation and the world will be watching to see how the government addresses the underlying issues that led to this crisis.

The coming weeks and months will be crucial in determining whether this moment becomes a catalyst for positive change or a temporary respite in ongoing tensions.

For now, Kenyans can take a moment to reflect on the power of their voices and the importance of engaged citizenship in shaping the future of their nation.

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