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Police Hunt Down Gunmen In Military Outfit Who Killed 2 Officers In Anambra



Police Hunt Down Gunmen In Military Outfit Who Killed 2 Officers In Anambra

ANAMBRA, (iexclusivenews) – Two police officers were shot dead by gunmen wearing military uniforms on Thursday evening in Uga, a town in Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra State, southeast Nigeria.

The police have launched a manhunt for the assailants, who came from a neighbouring state and were on a kidnapping spree.

How The Attack Happened

According to DSP Tochukwu Ikenga, the spokesperson for the Anambra State Police Command, the incident happened around 6:30 pm, when the gunmen encountered two armed police officers who were escorting a convoy to ease the traffic congestion.

“The gang, disguised in military fatigue and seemed to be on a kidnap mission were jolted on seeing two armed police officers approaching their direction, they opened fire on the officers who had moved ahead of the convoy they were escorting to decongest traffic gridlock.

“Other personnel returned fire, careful not to hit many motorists who were in traffic, forcing the bandits to flee,” Ikenga said in a statement on Friday.

What The Police Recovered

Ikenga further stated that a police-led mobile Forward Operating Base, which had been on intensive patrol of the entire area throughout Christmas celebrations, promptly responded to the scene and recovered a Lexus SUV the gang operated with and defused an improvised explosive device found in the vehicle.

The police also recovered an AK-47 Rifle belonging to one of the slain police officers.

What The Police Commissioner Said

The Commissioner of Police, CP Aderemi Adeoye, who had declared the weekend and Christmas holidays as special working days for all officers and men in the Command, commended all personnel for their tireless and courageous effort in securing the people of Anambra State.

He urged them not to be demoralised by the supreme price paid by their colleagues from Enugu State Command but to draw inspiration from their bravery in confronting the criminal gang.

He condoled with the families of the deceased officers and Enugu State Police Command and vowed that the personnel will not die in vain.

He has urged all officers and men of Anambra State Police Command to redouble their efforts and remain vigilant. He assured that technology would be employed to track down the criminals who unleashed the attack on Police personnel.

The Commissioner of Police encouraged the good people of Anambra State not to allow the incident to create fear in their minds but to continue with various activities they had slated for the yuletide season.