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Chicago State University Denies Tinubu’s Certificate As U.S. Court Adjourns Case



Chicago State University Denies Tinubu's Certificate As U.S. Court Adjourns Case

ILLINOIS, (iexclusivenews) – In a courtroom drama that has captured international attention. The United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois recently found itself entangled in a case that could significantly impact Nigerian politics.

This high-stakes legal battle revolves around the authenticity of a certificate submitted by Bola Tinubu, a prominent Nigerian politician, to the country’s electoral commission, INEC, in his bid for the presidency.

Chicago State University (CSU), where Tinubu allegedly earned this certificate, now finds itself at the center of this controversy.

The court’s recent adjournment has left key questions unanswered and raised doubts about the validity of this crucial document.

The Subpoena and Denial by CSU

Intrigue Unfolds in a Chicago Courtroom:

As the gavel fell in the United States District Court, a subpoena application for Bola Tinubu’s records from Chicago State University (CSU) took center stage.

However, what followed was a revelation that shook the foundations of this legal battle. CSU’s lawyer, Michael Hayes, delivered a stunning blow by denying any knowledge of the certificate that Tinubu had submitted to INEC.

This unexpected twist instantly raised doubts about the authenticity of the document that was meant to solidify Tinubu’s candidacy.


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The Certainty of Uncertainty

CSU’s Perplexing Position:

In a dramatic courtroom exchange, CSU’s legal representative, Michael Hayes, made a perplexing statement. He categorically stated that CSU could neither authenticate nor denounce the certificate presented by Tinubu.

This astounding position contradicted CSU’s previous claims that they had indeed issued a certificate to the Nigerian politician upon his graduation in 1979. The courtroom tension intensified as doubts began to overshadow the document’s legitimacy.

The Unanswered Questions

CSU’s Elusive Clarity:

The court’s proceedings took a dramatic turn as Judge Jeffrey Gilbert pressed for clarity on whether CSU could, under oath, confirm Tinubu’s possession of the certificate he submitted to INEC.

Shockingly, Michael Hayes maintained that CSU’s administrators were unable to provide this confirmation, citing their profound lack of knowledge regarding how Tinubu obtained the certificate. This revelation added further fuel to the fire of uncertainty surrounding the document’s validity.

Constitutional Consequences

The Stakes for Nigerian Politics:

In Nigeria, submitting dubious documents to INEC is a grave constitutional violation, with the potential to lead to the ousting of politicians, including governors. This legal quagmire places immense pressure on the courts to determine the authenticity of Tinubu’s certificate, as the fate of a presidential candidate hangs in the balance.

The Evidential Quandary

CSU’s Contradictions and Discrepancies:

During the courtroom proceedings, it became evident that CSU’s records contained numerous contradictions. These included discrepancies in the certificate’s date, the identity of the school’s president at the alleged time of issuance, as well as typographical, font, and header errors on the document. These glaring inconsistencies only deepened the mystery surrounding the certificate’s origin and legitimacy.

The Enigma of Elnora Daniel

The Curious Case of the Signatory:

One of the most puzzling elements of this case is the alleged signatory of the certificate, Elnora Daniel. Records reveal that Daniel only arrived at CSU in 1998, a full 19 years after Tinubu was purportedly said to have graduated.

Her departure from the school in 2008 following a financial mismanagement scandal raises serious questions about her involvement in the issuance of a fresh certificate in Tinubu’s name, ordered under subpoena from a Nigerian lawyer.

Atiku’s Pursuit of Clarity

A Legal Battle with High Stakes:

Atiku Abubakar, Mr. Tinubu’s main challenger during the February 25 presidential election, did not stand idly by. He filed a lawsuit seeking to compel CSU to produce records related to Tinubu and make its top officials available for deposition to certify the authenticity of the produced records. These legal maneuvers underscore the magnitude of this case, as it may ultimately determine the legitimacy of a presidential election.

The Road to the Nigerian Supreme Court

A Battle Headed for the Apex:

With the Nigerian Court of Appeal having upheld Mr. Tinubu’s election, the case is now destined for the Nigerian Supreme Court. Alexandre de Gramont, representing Atiku Abubakar, emphasized the significance of CSU’s position on the certificate’s authenticity. The Supreme Court may consider this crucial evidence, potentially altering the course of Nigerian politics.

The Quest for Authentication

Seeking Clarity Amidst Legal Uncertainty:

As the legal battle continues, Mr. Abubakar’s legal team seeks not only the documents but also CSU’s authentication or an explanation for the troubling discrepancies. Their determination to uncover the truth underscores the importance of this case for Nigerian democracy.

The Countdown to a Decision

A Pivotal Deadline Looms:

With Mr. Abubakar having until September 20 to appeal the Court of Appeal’s decision, the clock is ticking. The first-instance court’s ruling in the presidential election tribunal process has set the stage for a crucial legal showdown that could shape the future of Nigerian politics.

The Judge’s Deliberation

Awaiting a Momentous Ruling:

In a case fraught with complexity and uncertainty, Judge Gilbert wisely requested additional time for reflection. He urged all parties to review the submitted records and update them if necessary. The anticipation builds as the court prepares for a final ruling or additional hearings, leaving the fate of Mr. Tinubu and the future of Nigerian politics hanging in the balance.