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June 12: President Bola Tinubu’s Inspiring Democracy Day Speech



June 12: President Bola Tinubu’s Inspiring Democracy Day Speech

ABUJA, (iexclusivenews) – President Bola Tinubu delivered a powerful and inspiring speech to commemorate Nigeria’s Democracy Day.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of uninterrupted democratic governance in Nigeria, a significant milestone in the nation’s history.

In his address, President Tinubu highlighted the sacrifices made by pro-democracy activists, the progress achieved over the years, and his vision for Nigeria’s future.

Let’s delves into the key points of his speech:

The Significance of June 12

President Tinubu began his speech by acknowledging the importance of June 12 in Nigeria’s democratic journey.

This date is a symbol of the nation’s struggle for democracy, commemorating the annulled June 12, 1993, presidential election, which was widely regarded as free and fair.

The election’s winner, Chief MKO Abiola, became a symbol of the democratic struggle, and his legacy continues to inspire Nigerians today.

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Honoring the Heroes of Democracy

In his address, President Tinubu paid tribute to the heroes and heroines who sacrificed their lives for Nigeria’s democracy.

He mentioned notable figures such as Chief MKO Abiola, his wife Kudirat Abiola, General Shehu Musa Yar’Adua, and Pa Alfred Rewane, among others.

These individuals bravely surrendered their futures to ensure a better future for the nation.

President Tinubu emphasized the importance of honoring their memories and recognizing their contributions to Nigeria’s democratic journey.

The Role of Pro-Democracy Activists and Journalists

President Tinubu highlighted the crucial role played by pro-democracy activists and journalists in the fight against military dictatorship.

He praised the efforts of activists such as Olisa Agbakoba, Femi Falana, Abdul Oroh, and Senator Shehu Sani, who kept the fire of democracy burning both at home and in exile.

He also acknowledged the contributions of Nigerian journalists and media establishments, such as The Punch, Guardian, National Concord, Tribune, The News/Tempo, and TELL Magazines, who stood for free speech and civil liberties despite facing persecution.

Achievements of Nigeria’s Democratic Governance

Reflecting on the past 25 years, President Tinubu highlighted the significant achievements of Nigeria’s democratic governance.

He noted the progress made in various sectors, including the economy, education, healthcare, and infrastructure.

The president emphasized the importance of unity and collaboration among Nigerians to build a prosperous and inclusive nation.

He also reiterated his commitment to addressing the challenges facing the country, such as insecurity, corruption, and unemployment.

Vision for Nigeria’s Future

President Tinubu’s speech outlined his vision for Nigeria’s future, focusing on key areas such as economic development, social justice, and good governance.

He emphasized the need for sustainable economic policies that promote growth and create job opportunities for the youth.

The president also highlighted the importance of social justice, ensuring that all Nigerians have access to basic amenities and opportunities regardless of their background.

Additionally, he stressed the need for good governance, transparency, and accountability in all levels of government.

Call to Action

In his concluding remarks, President Tinubu called on all Nigerians to unite and work together towards achieving the nation’s goals.

He urged citizens to actively participate in the democratic process, hold their leaders accountable, and contribute to the development of their communities.

The president’s call to action resonated with many Nigerians, inspiring hope and a renewed sense of patriotism.

What You Should Know 

President Bola Tinubu’s Democracy Day speech on June 12, 2024, was a powerful reminder of Nigeria’s democratic journey and the sacrifices made by countless individuals to achieve it. His address highlighted the progress made over the past 25 years and outlined a vision for a prosperous and inclusive future. As Nigerians reflect on the significance of this historic day, they are reminded of the importance of unity, collaboration, and active participation in the democratic process. President Tinubu’s speech serves as a beacon of hope, inspiring Nigerians to continue striving for a better and more democratic nation.


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