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Nigeria Deploys 197 Troops For Peacekeeping In Gambia 



Nigeria Deploys 197 Troops for Peacekeeping in Gambia 

iexclusivenews – The Armed Forces of Nigeria has announced the deployment of 197 personnel for a peacekeeping mission in the Gambia, amidst the country’s ongoing struggles with banditry, terrorism, and kidnapping.

This move demonstrates Nigeria’s dedication to supporting international peace and security efforts.

Pre-Deployment Training

The troops underwent a six-week Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) at the Martin Luther Agwai International Leadership and Peacekeeping Centre (MLAILPKC) in Jaji, Kaduna State.

The training equipped them with the necessary skills and knowledge for peace support operations, including teamwork, leadership, cultural sensitivity, and human rights.

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ECOMIG Mandate

The troops will operate under the Economic Community of West African States Mission in The Gambia (ECOMIG) mandate, which aims to maintain peace, protect civilians, and promote sustainable development in the region.

Challenges and Expectations

The deployment comes at a critical time, as the Gambia faces political uncertainty and instability.

The troops are expected to uphold the highest standards of professionalism, discipline, and respect for human rights, and to remain vigilant in the face of potential security threats.

Zero-Tolerance Policy

The Armed Forces of Nigeria has a zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse, in line with United Nations’ policies.

Any form of sexual exploitation and abuse will be met with severe consequences.

The graduation ceremony showcased the capacity and capability of the MLAILPKC as a United Nations-accredited Centre to conduct quality training for peacekeepers.

The troops are better informed and equipped to perform their roles in the Gambia, demonstrating Nigeria’s commitment to global peace and security.

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